Our Leadership Team

Scott Andrews, Co-Founder, CEO
Scott Andrews is Co-founder and CEO of InvestiQuant, Inc. and oversees all company operations. In 2008, Mr. Andrews founded Master The Gap, Inc. where he gained recognition helping self-directed investors use intraday trading techniques to navigate the 2008-2009 financial crisis and take advantage of its extraordinary volatility. From 2012-2014, Mr. Andrews led the development of the company's machine-learning techniques and short-term financial market forecasting. In 2015, the company was renamed InvestiQuant and he collaborated with Duke University’s Center for Quantitative Modeling to evolve its predictive analytic models. From 2018 to 2020, Mr. Andrews held the Series 3 futures and commodities license and served as principal of a capital management firm that was recognized as “Best Newcomer” by HFM Global.
Prior to trading, Scott co-founded SciQuest, Inc., a cloud-based, B2B enterprise spend management company. As CEO, he led SciQuest’s $48 million venture capital financing and subsequent $120 million IPO on the NASDAQ exchange, and served as Chairman of the company until 2003. The company was subsequently renamed Jaggaer and manages billions annually via its cloud-based enterprise applications.
After graduating with a B.S. degree from the United States Military Academy at West Point in 1987, Mr. Andrews served as an aviation officer in the U.S. Army, flew in support of Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm, and subsequently earned his MBA from the University of North Carolina.

David Skowron, Co-Founder, VP of Technology